





    1994.9-1998.7 山东大学应用物理学微电子专业,理学士学位

    1998.9-2001.7 中国科学院近代物理研究所攻读理论物理硕士学位

    2001.9-2004.11 上海交通大学应用物理系攻读光学博士学位


    2005.1-2006.11 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院博士后流动站

    2006.12-2008.3 8455新葡萄场网站物理系 讲师

    2008.3-至今 8455新葡萄场网站物理系 副教授

    2011.11-2012.12 美国代顿大学光电工程学院 高级访问


    1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,矢量光束的生成、检测及其在光学微操纵中的应用研究,基金号:61108010,负责人。

    2. 上海市自然基金, 矢量涡旋光束的传输与强聚焦构造光场调控的研究,基金号: 16ZR1411600, 负责人。

    3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于非相干碰撞和自发辐射实现纠缠调控及增强的理论与实验研究,基金号:11574195, 参与人。

    4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,基于石墨烯异质结的电子波导的性质研究,基金号:11204170,参与人。


    1. Conversion between special focal field structures based on 4Pi focusing system. Acta Optica Sinica, 40(12), 1226001(6pp), 2020.

    2. Triple optical chain generated by tight focusing of azimuthally polarized higher-order Lagureer-Gauss vortex beams, Acta Optica Sinic, 39(8), 0826002, 2019.

    3. Guided modes in silicene-based waveguides, Superlattices and Microstructures, 114, 115-123, 2018.

    4. Flattop shaped creation based on strong focusing of circularly polarized vortex beams. Journal of Optics 46(2): 164–169, 2017.

    5. Influence of optical parameters of high numerical aperture focusing system on three-dimensional twin-optical chain. Acta Optica Sinica, 37(02), 249-255, 2017.

    6. Modes splitting in graphene-based double-barrier waveguides, Chin. Phys. B, 26(3) , 030301, 2017.

    7. Tight Focusing of Double-Ring-Shaped Bessel-Gaussian Radially Polarized Beam Through a Dielectric Interface, Acta Optica Sinic, 36(4), 0426001, 2016.

    8. Generation of Arbitrary Vector Beams by Full Control of Light. Acta Optica Sinica, 34(5), 0526001(7pp), 2015.

    9. Generation of Arbitrary Vector Beams by Full Control of Light, Acta Optica Sinic, 35(5), 0526001, 2015.

    10. Guided modes in a graphene barrier waveguide, Superlattices and Microstructures, 85, 761-767, 2015.

    11. Transmission gaps in graphene superlattices with periodic potential patterns, Physica B, 457, 188-193, 2015.

    12. Focal shift in spatial-variant polarized vector Bessel–Gauss beams J.Opt. 15(1),PP 014003(5pp), 2013.

    13. Vectorial optical field generator for the creation of arbitrarily complex fields. Optics Express. 21(18), PP20692-20706, 2013.

    14. Study of the focusing features of spatial amplitude and phase modulated radially polarized vortex beams. Acta Phys. Sin. 62(10), 104202, 2013.

    15. in a 4pi focusing system

    16. Liquid crystal retarder modulation for generating real time non-uniformly polarized beams, JOSA A, 27(3), 572–577, 2010.








      1994.9-1998.7 山东大学应用物理学微电子专业,理学士学位

      1998.9-2001.7 中国科学院近代物理研究所攻读理论物理硕士学位

      2001.9-2004.11 上海交通大学应用物理系攻读光学博士学位


      2005.1-2006.11 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院博士后流动站

      2006.12-2008.3 8455新葡萄场网站物理系 讲师

      2008.3-至今 8455新葡萄场网站物理系 副教授

      2011.11-2012.12 美国代顿大学光电工程学院 高级访问


      1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,矢量光束的生成、检测及其在光学微操纵中的应用研究,基金号:61108010,负责人。

      2. 上海市自然基金, 矢量涡旋光束的传输与强聚焦构造光场调控的研究,基金号: 16ZR1411600, 负责人。

      3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于非相干碰撞和自发辐射实现纠缠调控及增强的理论与实验研究,基金号:11574195, 参与人。

      4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,基于石墨烯异质结的电子波导的性质研究,基金号:11204170,参与人。


      1. Conversion between special focal field structures based on 4Pi focusing system. Acta Optica Sinica, 40(12), 1226001(6pp), 2020.

      2. Triple optical chain generated by tight focusing of azimuthally polarized higher-order Lagureer-Gauss vortex beams, Acta Optica Sinic, 39(8), 0826002, 2019.

      3. Guided modes in silicene-based waveguides, Superlattices and Microstructures, 114, 115-123, 2018.

      4. Flattop shaped creation based on strong focusing of circularly polarized vortex beams. Journal of Optics 46(2): 164–169, 2017.

      5. Influence of optical parameters of high numerical aperture focusing system on three-dimensional twin-optical chain. Acta Optica Sinica, 37(02), 249-255, 2017.

      6. Modes splitting in graphene-based double-barrier waveguides, Chin. Phys. B, 26(3) , 030301, 2017.

      7. Tight Focusing of Double-Ring-Shaped Bessel-Gaussian Radially Polarized Beam Through a Dielectric Interface, Acta Optica Sinic, 36(4), 0426001, 2016.

      8. Generation of Arbitrary Vector Beams by Full Control of Light. Acta Optica Sinica, 34(5), 0526001(7pp), 2015.

      9. Generation of Arbitrary Vector Beams by Full Control of Light, Acta Optica Sinic, 35(5), 0526001, 2015.

      10. Guided modes in a graphene barrier waveguide, Superlattices and Microstructures, 85, 761-767, 2015.

      11. Transmission gaps in graphene superlattices with periodic potential patterns, Physica B, 457, 188-193, 2015.

      12. Focal shift in spatial-variant polarized vector Bessel–Gauss beams J.Opt. 15(1),PP 014003(5pp), 2013.

      13. Vectorial optical field generator for the creation of arbitrarily complex fields. Optics Express. 21(18), PP20692-20706, 2013.

      14. Study of the focusing features of spatial amplitude and phase modulated radially polarized vortex beams. Acta Phys. Sin. 62(10), 104202, 2013.

      15. in a 4pi focusing system

      16. Liquid crystal retarder modulation for generating real time non-uniformly polarized beams, JOSA A, 27(3), 572–577, 2010.
