

负责人:张红莲, 电话: 021-66132411, E-mail:hlzhangmath@shu.edu.cn
联系人:赖耕, 电话: 021-66136865, E-mail:laigeng@shu.edu.cn
        8455新葡萄场网站数学系现有教职工 109人,专职教师 93人,其中教授 29 名、博士生导师 36 人、副教授 28 名、院士 1 名、国家级高端人才 3 名、教育部长江学者 1 名、 杰青 1 名、中国科学院百人计划 1 名、上海级高端人才 1 名、上海领军人才 1 名、曙光学者 1 名、上海浦江人才计划 3 名、上海东方学者1名、上海青年东方学者 3 名,50 岁以下博士比例 100%,获得海外学位或有海外研究经历的人员比例为 95%;在校本科生 500 多人、硕士研究生 200 多人、博士研究生 60 多人。数学系有数学一级学科博士点、数学博士后流动站,数学一级学科硕士点和应用统计专业学位硕士点;有上海市教委重点学科、上海市重点学科、上海高校一流学科、上海市高校高原学科。上海市应用数学与系统科学研究所、8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所、8455新葡萄场网站优化开放实验室、8455新葡萄场网站张量与矩阵研究中心均挂靠数学系。
        2022年 USNEWS《美国新闻和世界报导》全球最佳大学数学学科排名,8455新葡萄场网站数学学科位居第 103;美国 ESI 数据库最新数据,全球前 1% 的数学研究机构 有 333个,8455新葡萄场网站排第 154,进入全球前 4.62‰ 行列。

6.凸体的Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski 理论

ResponsiblePerson:Zhang Honglian
Phone: 021-66132411 E-mail:hlzhangmath@shu.edu.cn
Contact Person: Lai Geng
Phone: 021-66136865, E-mail:laigeng@shu.edu.cn
The Department of Mathematics at Shanghai University devotes itself to not only the development of Mathematical Science but also to its applications to the Society. The Department has programs (including all sub-fields of mathematics, i.e., Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Operations Research and Cybernetics, Probability and Statistics) for both undergraduate and graduate students. The Department began its post-doctoral programs authorized by the Ministry of Education of China in the year of 1999.
The Department of Mathematics is the home of 109 well qualified people, among them 93 are full-time faculty members. The team of faculty members is formed by 29 professors, 36 doctoral advisors, 28 associate professors, 1 academician, 3 National excellent talents, 1 Shanghai excellent talent, 1 Chang Jiang Scholars Program, 1 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Program, 1 Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program, 1 Shanghai Leading Talent, 1 Dawn Program of Shanghai Education Commission, 3 Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, 3 Shanghai Oriental distinguished professors, 100% of doctors under the age of 50, 95% of overseas graduates or staff with overseas research experience. It has over 500 undergraduates, 200 graduates, and 60 doctoral candidates. The Department of Mathematics consists of one first-level doctoral program in mathematics, one mathematics postdoctoral research station, two first-level graduate programs in mathematics and statistics, Shanghai municipal education commission key disciplines, Shanghai key disciplines, Shanghai first-class discipline, and Shanghai plateau discipline. In addition, Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems Science, Institute of Core Mathematical Research of Shanghai University, Shanghai University Open Laboratory for Operations Research & Optimization, International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University, and Institute of Systems Science of Shanghai University are all affiliated to the Department of Mathematics.
In 2022, the SHU Department of Mathematics is ranked 103th in the World by USNEWS Mathematics Ranking of World Universities. According to the latest data from Essential Science Indicators database, there are 333 mathematics research institutions are recognized as world’s top 1%, among which, Shanghai University ranks 154, entering the top 4.62‰ in the world..
Since the approval of the post-doctoral program, the Department has hosted more than 50 post-doctors in mathematics and many interdisciplinary fields. Many of them succeeded in applying China Post-doctoral Science Foundations or other research grants, and have made good achievements in scientific research.

Research Fields
(1) Pure Mathematics
1. Theory of Finite Groups
2. Matrix Algebra and its Representations  
3. Mathematical Physics
4. Algebraic Combination and Algebraic Coding
5. Geometric Analysis and Convex Body Theory
6. The Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski Theory of Convex Body
7. The representation theory of Algebra
Advisors:  Wang Qingwen, Guo Xiuyun, Leng Gangsong, Zhang Honglian, Gao Nan, Mao Xuefeng, Sun Jiancai.
(2) Computational Mathematics
1.Numerical Methods of Differential Equations
2. Numerical Methods of Fractional Partial Differential Equations
3. Numerical Boundary-Layer Methods for Differential Equations
4.Theory and Computation of Bifurcation and Chaos
5.Signal processing and Compressed Sensing
6.Numerical Methods of Optimal Control Problems Governed by Differential Equations
Advisors: Zhu Peicheng, Li Changpin, Cong Yuhao, Ye Wanzhou, Liu Dongjie, Wu Hua
(3) Applied Mathematics
1.Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
2.Mathematical/Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
3. Integrable Systems and applications
4. Complex networks and complex systems
5.Mathematical Modeling with Applications to Materials Science
6.Bifurcation Theory and Its Application to Systems Biology
7. Harmonic analysis and Its Application
Advisors: Sheng Wancheng, Zhu Peicheng, Zhang Dajun, Xia Tiecheng, Wang Ruiqi,  Xu Xinjian, Lou Jie, Yao Fengping, Zhao Fayou
(4) Operation Research and Cybernetics
1.Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications
2.Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics
3.Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
4.Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms with Applications
5.Medical Image Processing and Machine Learning
6.Optimization in Signal Processing and Wireless Communication
Advisors: Bai Yanqin, Kang Liying, Ying Shihui, Peng Yaxin, Xu Zi, Yu Changjun


负责人:葛先辉 E-mailgexh@shu.edu.cn

联系人:孙雅丽 E-mailyalisun@shu.edu.cn



8455新葡萄场网站物理学科拥有一支高水平的科学研究队伍,现有教授37名,其中博士生导师39名(含兼职博导),副教授37名。其中包括中科院院士1人、澳大利亚科学院院士1人,长江学者1人、国家级海外高层次人才2人、上海千人4人、原中科院百人2人、上海市东方学者10人、上海市海外领军人才6人等。8455新葡萄场网站物理学科面向物理学科国际学术前沿方向、围绕国家发展战略和上海市产业经济重大需求,以物质科学前沿问题为对象,形成和发展了以下特色研究方向:超导与强关联物理、低维与计算物理、量子与信息物理、引力与高能物理、新能源物理与器件以及纳米结构物理等。主要研究基地包括上海市高温超导重点实验室、8455新葡萄场网站量子与分子结构国际中心、8455新葡萄场网站超快光子学实验室和量子人工智能科学技术研究中心等。物理学科近五年来承担国家自然科学基金项目和重点项目共40余项,立项总经费近亿元;教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、上海市基础研究重大和重点项目等30余项。每年平均在国内外一流学术刊物(如NatureScienceNature子刊、PNASPhys. Rev. Lett.Phys. Rev. A, B, C, D, EAppl. Phys. Lett.Opt. Lett.JHEP等)上发表论文100篇以上,申请和获得授权国家发明专利30余项。学科与美国、日本、芬兰、德国、英国、丹麦,澳大利亚和西班牙等国的高校和研究机构保持着密切的学术交往。





1. 极端条件下凝聚态物质的性质及应用

2. 强关联电子系统、电子结构与量子相变

3. 超导物理、高温超导薄膜及其涂层导体

4. 纳米结构体系设计、碳纳米材料与器件物理

5. 超导磁通动力学和新型超导体的探索

6. 新能源材料与器件物理

7. 计算物理学




1. 超快光子学、光与凝聚物质相互作用的超快动力学

2. 纳米光子学

3. 信息光子学和电子学

4. 光电功能薄膜、光伏物理与器件

5. 量子光学

6. 强光与等离子体物理




1. 非线性动力学、物理介质的信息传输特性与理论

2. 微波、毫米波理论技术与应用

3. 微波超导

4. 太赫兹光子学与太赫兹自旋电子学

5. 介观与低维物理

6. 超导异质结及其电子学




1. 引力论与宇宙论

2. 粒子物理

3. 核物理

4. 量子信息

5. 规范场与引力对偶


Responsible person: Ge Xianhui, E-mailgexh@shu.edu.cn

Contacts: Sun Yali, E-mail: yalisun@shu.edu.cn

I Introduction

The postdoctoral program in physics at Shanghai University (SHU) was founded in 2012, which is based on the Department of Physics, SHU. Four subjects in physics disciplines are opened at present: Optics, Radio Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, and Theoretical Physics. Physics discipline was one of earliest disciplines in SHU entering the ESI ranking system. Physics discipline had been recognized as and supported by Shanghai Key discipline, including Information Physics key discipline (2006~2009); Radio Physics key discipline (2010~2012), and the discipline was continuously supported by Shanghai plateau discipline (2015~2017).

At present, there are more than 110 staff members getting together around physics discipline, including 30 full professors, 50 associate professors and more than 30 lecturers. Among them, one Chinese academician, one Australian academician, two100 talents, and more than ten Extern scholars.

Physics discipline has very extensive international communications, we have built up solid relationship with top universities around the world, including Caltech in US, Cambridge in UK, Max Plank institute in Germany. We also established a broad collaboration in both domestic universities, top universities in Asia and around the world. We published more than 100 papers in high quality international journals very year.

II Subjects and Research Fields

(i) Condensed Matter Physics

Research Fields:

1. the properties and applications of condensed matter in extreme condition

2. strongly correlated electrons, electronic structures and quantum phase transition

3. superconducting physics, high temperature superconducting thin film and coating

4. design and fabrication of nanostructures, carbon nanomaterials and device physics

5. dynamics of superconducting magnetic flux and exploration of novel superconductor

6. new energy materials and device physics

7. computational physics

Collaborate Tutors: Shen Xuechu, Jeffrey Reimers, Cai Chuanbing, Zhang Jincang, Cao Shixun, Ren Wei, Yan Ming, Deng Zhenyan, Zha Fangxing, Jing Chao, Zha Guoqiao, Xu Jiaqiang, Liu Yuyu, Wen Weijia, et al.

(ii) Optics

Research Fields:

1. ultrafast photonics, ultrafast dynamics of light-condensed matter interaction

2. nanophotonics

3. informative photonics and electrics

4. photoelectric functional thin films, photovoltaic physics and devices

5. quantum optics

6. intense optics and plasma physics

Collaborate Tutors: Wang Qi, Ma Guohong, Chen Xi, Zhang Yongping, Li Chunfang, Cao Qing, Yang Xihua, Zha Fangxing, Jing Chao, et al.

(iii) Radio Physics

Research Fields:

1. theory of nonlinear dynamics, and information transport

2. microwave, millimeter and terahertz waves

3. microwave superconducting

4. terahertz photonics and spintronics

5. mesoscopic physics and low dimensional physics

6. superconducting heterostructure junctions and relevant electronics

Collaborate Tutors: Wang Qi, Li Chunfang, Chen Xi, Cai Chuanbing, Cao Shixun, Ma Guohong, Zhang Yongping, Cao Qing, Zha Guoqiao, Yang Guohong, Jiang Ying, Ge Junyi, et al.

(iv) Theoretical Physics

Research Felds:

1. gravitation

2. nuclear physics

3. particle physics

4. gravity/gauge duality

5. quantum information

Collaborate Tutors: Tian Lijun, Ge Xianhui, Zhang Ailin, Yan Ming, Xu Xiaoming, Yang Guohong, Jiang Ying, Wu Shaofeng, Xin Zihua, Chen Yongcong et al.


负责人:张红莲, 电话: 021-66132411, E-mail:hlzhangmath@shu.edu.cn
联系人:赖耕, 电话: 021-66136865, E-mail:laigeng@shu.edu.cn
        8455新葡萄场网站数学系现有教职工 109人,专职教师 93人,其中教授 29 名、博士生导师 36 人、副教授 28 名、院士 1 名、国家级高端人才 3 名、教育部长江学者 1 名、 杰青 1 名、中国科学院百人计划 1 名、上海级高端人才 1 名、上海领军人才 1 名、曙光学者 1 名、上海浦江人才计划 3 名、上海东方学者1名、上海青年东方学者 3 名,50 岁以下博士比例 100%,获得海外学位或有海外研究经历的人员比例为 95%;在校本科生 500 多人、硕士研究生 200 多人、博士研究生 60 多人。数学系有数学一级学科博士点、数学博士后流动站,数学一级学科硕士点和应用统计专业学位硕士点;有上海市教委重点学科、上海市重点学科、上海高校一流学科、上海市高校高原学科。上海市应用数学与系统科学研究所、8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所、8455新葡萄场网站优化开放实验室、8455新葡萄场网站张量与矩阵研究中心均挂靠数学系。
        2022年 USNEWS《美国新闻和世界报导》全球最佳大学数学学科排名,8455新葡萄场网站数学学科位居第 103;美国 ESI 数据库最新数据,全球前 1% 的数学研究机构 有 333个,8455新葡萄场网站排第 154,进入全球前 4.62‰ 行列。

6.凸体的Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski 理论

ResponsiblePerson:Zhang Honglian
Phone: 021-66132411 E-mail:hlzhangmath@shu.edu.cn
Contact Person: Lai Geng
Phone: 021-66136865, E-mail:laigeng@shu.edu.cn
The Department of Mathematics at Shanghai University devotes itself to not only the development of Mathematical Science but also to its applications to the Society. The Department has programs (including all sub-fields of mathematics, i.e., Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Operations Research and Cybernetics, Probability and Statistics) for both undergraduate and graduate students. The Department began its post-doctoral programs authorized by the Ministry of Education of China in the year of 1999.
The Department of Mathematics is the home of 109 well qualified people, among them 93 are full-time faculty members. The team of faculty members is formed by 29 professors, 36 doctoral advisors, 28 associate professors, 1 academician, 3 National excellent talents, 1 Shanghai excellent talent, 1 Chang Jiang Scholars Program, 1 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars Program, 1 Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program, 1 Shanghai Leading Talent, 1 Dawn Program of Shanghai Education Commission, 3 Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program, 3 Shanghai Oriental distinguished professors, 100% of doctors under the age of 50, 95% of overseas graduates or staff with overseas research experience. It has over 500 undergraduates, 200 graduates, and 60 doctoral candidates. The Department of Mathematics consists of one first-level doctoral program in mathematics, one mathematics postdoctoral research station, two first-level graduate programs in mathematics and statistics, Shanghai municipal education commission key disciplines, Shanghai key disciplines, Shanghai first-class discipline, and Shanghai plateau discipline. In addition, Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems Science, Institute of Core Mathematical Research of Shanghai University, Shanghai University Open Laboratory for Operations Research & Optimization, International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University, and Institute of Systems Science of Shanghai University are all affiliated to the Department of Mathematics.
In 2022, the SHU Department of Mathematics is ranked 103th in the World by USNEWS Mathematics Ranking of World Universities. According to the latest data from Essential Science Indicators database, there are 333 mathematics research institutions are recognized as world’s top 1%, among which, Shanghai University ranks 154, entering the top 4.62‰ in the world..
Since the approval of the post-doctoral program, the Department has hosted more than 50 post-doctors in mathematics and many interdisciplinary fields. Many of them succeeded in applying China Post-doctoral Science Foundations or other research grants, and have made good achievements in scientific research.

Research Fields
(1) Pure Mathematics
1. Theory of Finite Groups
2. Matrix Algebra and its Representations  
3. Mathematical Physics
4. Algebraic Combination and Algebraic Coding
5. Geometric Analysis and Convex Body Theory
6. The Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski Theory of Convex Body
7. The representation theory of Algebra
Advisors:  Wang Qingwen, Guo Xiuyun, Leng Gangsong, Zhang Honglian, Gao Nan, Mao Xuefeng, Sun Jiancai.
(2) Computational Mathematics
1.Numerical Methods of Differential Equations
2. Numerical Methods of Fractional Partial Differential Equations
3. Numerical Boundary-Layer Methods for Differential Equations
4.Theory and Computation of Bifurcation and Chaos
5.Signal processing and Compressed Sensing
6.Numerical Methods of Optimal Control Problems Governed by Differential Equations
Advisors: Zhu Peicheng, Li Changpin, Cong Yuhao, Ye Wanzhou, Liu Dongjie, Wu Hua
(3) Applied Mathematics
1.Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
2.Mathematical/Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
3. Integrable Systems and applications
4. Complex networks and complex systems
5.Mathematical Modeling with Applications to Materials Science
6.Bifurcation Theory and Its Application to Systems Biology
7. Harmonic analysis and Its Application
Advisors: Sheng Wancheng, Zhu Peicheng, Zhang Dajun, Xia Tiecheng, Wang Ruiqi,  Xu Xinjian, Lou Jie, Yao Fengping, Zhao Fayou
(4) Operation Research and Cybernetics
1.Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications
2.Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics
3.Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
4.Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms with Applications
5.Medical Image Processing and Machine Learning
6.Optimization in Signal Processing and Wireless Communication
Advisors: Bai Yanqin, Kang Liying, Ying Shihui, Peng Yaxin, Xu Zi, Yu Changjun


负责人:葛先辉 E-mailgexh@shu.edu.cn

联系人:孙雅丽 E-mailyalisun@shu.edu.cn



8455新葡萄场网站物理学科拥有一支高水平的科学研究队伍,现有教授37名,其中博士生导师39名(含兼职博导),副教授37名。其中包括中科院院士1人、澳大利亚科学院院士1人,长江学者1人、国家级海外高层次人才2人、上海千人4人、原中科院百人2人、上海市东方学者10人、上海市海外领军人才6人等。8455新葡萄场网站物理学科面向物理学科国际学术前沿方向、围绕国家发展战略和上海市产业经济重大需求,以物质科学前沿问题为对象,形成和发展了以下特色研究方向:超导与强关联物理、低维与计算物理、量子与信息物理、引力与高能物理、新能源物理与器件以及纳米结构物理等。主要研究基地包括上海市高温超导重点实验室、8455新葡萄场网站量子与分子结构国际中心、8455新葡萄场网站超快光子学实验室和量子人工智能科学技术研究中心等。物理学科近五年来承担国家自然科学基金项目和重点项目共40余项,立项总经费近亿元;教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、上海市基础研究重大和重点项目等30余项。每年平均在国内外一流学术刊物(如NatureScienceNature子刊、PNASPhys. Rev. Lett.Phys. Rev. A, B, C, D, EAppl. Phys. Lett.Opt. Lett.JHEP等)上发表论文100篇以上,申请和获得授权国家发明专利30余项。学科与美国、日本、芬兰、德国、英国、丹麦,澳大利亚和西班牙等国的高校和研究机构保持着密切的学术交往。





1. 极端条件下凝聚态物质的性质及应用

2. 强关联电子系统、电子结构与量子相变

3. 超导物理、高温超导薄膜及其涂层导体

4. 纳米结构体系设计、碳纳米材料与器件物理

5. 超导磁通动力学和新型超导体的探索

6. 新能源材料与器件物理

7. 计算物理学




1. 超快光子学、光与凝聚物质相互作用的超快动力学

2. 纳米光子学

3. 信息光子学和电子学

4. 光电功能薄膜、光伏物理与器件

5. 量子光学

6. 强光与等离子体物理




1. 非线性动力学、物理介质的信息传输特性与理论

2. 微波、毫米波理论技术与应用

3. 微波超导

4. 太赫兹光子学与太赫兹自旋电子学

5. 介观与低维物理

6. 超导异质结及其电子学




1. 引力论与宇宙论

2. 粒子物理

3. 核物理

4. 量子信息

5. 规范场与引力对偶


Responsible person: Ge Xianhui, E-mailgexh@shu.edu.cn

Contacts: Sun Yali, E-mail: yalisun@shu.edu.cn

I Introduction

The postdoctoral program in physics at Shanghai University (SHU) was founded in 2012, which is based on the Department of Physics, SHU. Four subjects in physics disciplines are opened at present: Optics, Radio Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, and Theoretical Physics. Physics discipline was one of earliest disciplines in SHU entering the ESI ranking system. Physics discipline had been recognized as and supported by Shanghai Key discipline, including Information Physics key discipline (2006~2009); Radio Physics key discipline (2010~2012), and the discipline was continuously supported by Shanghai plateau discipline (2015~2017).

At present, there are more than 110 staff members getting together around physics discipline, including 30 full professors, 50 associate professors and more than 30 lecturers. Among them, one Chinese academician, one Australian academician, two100 talents, and more than ten Extern scholars.

Physics discipline has very extensive international communications, we have built up solid relationship with top universities around the world, including Caltech in US, Cambridge in UK, Max Plank institute in Germany. We also established a broad collaboration in both domestic universities, top universities in Asia and around the world. We published more than 100 papers in high quality international journals very year.

II Subjects and Research Fields

(i) Condensed Matter Physics

Research Fields:

1. the properties and applications of condensed matter in extreme condition

2. strongly correlated electrons, electronic structures and quantum phase transition

3. superconducting physics, high temperature superconducting thin film and coating

4. design and fabrication of nanostructures, carbon nanomaterials and device physics

5. dynamics of superconducting magnetic flux and exploration of novel superconductor

6. new energy materials and device physics

7. computational physics

Collaborate Tutors: Shen Xuechu, Jeffrey Reimers, Cai Chuanbing, Zhang Jincang, Cao Shixun, Ren Wei, Yan Ming, Deng Zhenyan, Zha Fangxing, Jing Chao, Zha Guoqiao, Xu Jiaqiang, Liu Yuyu, Wen Weijia, et al.

(ii) Optics

Research Fields:

1. ultrafast photonics, ultrafast dynamics of light-condensed matter interaction

2. nanophotonics

3. informative photonics and electrics

4. photoelectric functional thin films, photovoltaic physics and devices

5. quantum optics

6. intense optics and plasma physics

Collaborate Tutors: Wang Qi, Ma Guohong, Chen Xi, Zhang Yongping, Li Chunfang, Cao Qing, Yang Xihua, Zha Fangxing, Jing Chao, et al.

(iii) Radio Physics

Research Fields:

1. theory of nonlinear dynamics, and information transport

2. microwave, millimeter and terahertz waves

3. microwave superconducting

4. terahertz photonics and spintronics

5. mesoscopic physics and low dimensional physics

6. superconducting heterostructure junctions and relevant electronics

Collaborate Tutors: Wang Qi, Li Chunfang, Chen Xi, Cai Chuanbing, Cao Shixun, Ma Guohong, Zhang Yongping, Cao Qing, Zha Guoqiao, Yang Guohong, Jiang Ying, Ge Junyi, et al.

(iv) Theoretical Physics

Research Felds:

1. gravitation

2. nuclear physics

3. particle physics

4. gravity/gauge duality

5. quantum information

Collaborate Tutors: Tian Lijun, Ge Xianhui, Zhang Ailin, Yan Ming, Xu Xiaoming, Yang Guohong, Jiang Ying, Wu Shaofeng, Xin Zihua, Chen Yongcong et al.