
    尹鑫茂,教授,博导,国家级青年人才,8455新葡萄场网站副院长,超导与凝聚态物理所所长。email: yinxinmao@shu.edu.cn


    ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8246-4444 

    B站研究总结:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1M3411y7oz/?spm_id_from=333.788  .recommend_more_video.-1

    研究领域:量子材料的谱学研究。利用多种谱学技术对物体中复杂的电荷-自旋-轨道-晶格相互耦合作用及演变过程进行研究,从而对量子材料的超导、磁性、量子相变等宏观物理性质,以及电子结构、自旋变化、量子态准粒子激发等微观物理性质进行信息解析。近年来在国际高水平期刊上发表论文70余篇,包括PRL, APR, CSR, Science Advances,Nature Communications,AM等顶级期刊,多项研究被ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS, Materials Today等专业新闻媒体报道。研究成果多次被高水平杂志选为封面文章。同时是多个知名国际期刊的特邀审稿人。并著有及编写两本英文专著。曾获上海科技青年35人引领计划,江苏扬州领军人才计划,上海海外高层次领军人才计划,国家级青年人才计划等。



    2006 - 2010 本科, 浙江大学, 竺可桢学院-物理

    2010 - 2015 博士, 新加坡国立大学, 物理

    2014 - 2020 兼职研究员, 新加坡同步辐射光源

    2014 - 2020 研究员, 新加坡国立大学, 物理系

    2021 - 至今 教授(国家青年人才),8455新葡萄场网站, 8455新葡萄场网站物理系






















    1. Introduction to Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Thin Film Materials. WILEY-VCH. April, 2022. ISBN: 978-3527349517. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/64175.htm

    2. Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides: Phase Engineering and Applications in Electronics and Optoelectronics. WILEY-VCH. December, 2023. ISBN: 9783527350643. DOI:10.1002/9783527838752. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/324075.htm


    28. Uncovering an Interfacial Band Resulting from Orbital Hybridization in Nickelate Heterostructures. arXiv:2404.18412 (2024)

    27. Realization of a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice in a Metal-Inorganic Framework with Flat Bands and Topological Edge States. arXiv:2404.18430 (2024)

    26. Tunable Collective Excitations in Epitaxial Perovskite Nickelates. arXiv: (2024)

    25. Optical detection of small polarons in vanadium dioxide and their critical role in mediating metal-insulator transition. arXiv:2312.17419. (2024)

    24. LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterointerface: 20 Years and Beyond. Advanced Electronic Materials 10,2300730 (2024).

    23. Detection of two-dimensional small polarons at oxide interfaces by optical spectroscopy. Applied Physics Reviews 10, 031406 (2023). Selected as Featured Article. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/313584.htm

    22. Self-passivated freestanding superconducting oxide film for flexible electronics. Applied Physics Reviews 10, 031401 (2023). Selected as Featured Article. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/312574.htm

    21. Orbital hybridization-driven charge density wave transition in CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor. Advanced Materials 35, 2209010 (2023). https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/292733.htm

    20. Two-dimensional charge localization at the perovskite oxide interface. Applied Physics Reviews 9, 031405 (2022). Selected as Featured Article. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/65261.htm

    19. Observation of perfect diamagnetism and interfacial effect on the electronic structures in Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 superconducting infinite layers. Nature Communications 13, 743 (2022). https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/63725.htm

    18. Recent Developments in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Phase Transition and Applications of the (Quasi-)Metallic Phases. Chemical Society Reviews 50, 10087-10115 (2021). Selected as Cover. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/61884.htm

    17. 1D chained structure in quasi-metallic phase 2D transition metal dichalcogenides and their anisotropic electronic structures. Applied Physics Reviews 8, 011313 (2021) (invited review). Selected as Featured Article. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/61067.htm

    16. Dynamic Segregation of Reduced Ruddlesden-Popper Sr2NiO3 and SrNi2O3 Phases during SrNiO3 Epitaxial Growth. Science Advances 7(10), eabe2866 (2021).


    15. Phase diagram and superconducting dome of infinite-layer Nd1-xSrxNiO2 thin films. Physical Review Letters 125, 147003 (2020)

    14. Interfacial oxygen-driven charge localization and plasmon excitation in unconventional superconductors. Advanced Materials 32, 2000153 (2020). Selected as Back Cover.

    13. Anisotropic collective charge excitations in quasimetallic 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides. Advanced Science 7 (10), 1902726 (2020). Selected as Inside Cover. It was reported in many science news (Anisotropic plasmons in quasi-metallic 2D materials), such as Phys.Org, NewsBeezer, Knowledia New, QNewsHub.

    12. Electronic Modulation in Site-Selective Occupation of Quasi-2D Triangular-lattice Cs2CuCl4-xBrx Perovskite. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 12 (3) 4114-4122 (2020).

    11. Quantum correlated plasmons and their tunability in undoped and doped Mott-insulator cuprates. ACS Photonics 6(12), 3281-3289 (2019).

    10. Modulation of new excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide-perovskite oxide system. Advanced Science 6 (12), 1900446 (2019). Selected as Frontispiece Cover.

    9. Three-dimensional resonant exciton in monolayer tungsten diselenide actuated by spin-orbit coupling. ACS Nano 13 (12), 14529-14539 (2019).

    8. Unravelling High-Yield Phase-Transition Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides on Metallic Substrates. Advanced Science 6 (7), 1802093 (2019). Selected as Frontispiece Cover). It was reported in many science news (Phase transition dynamics in two-dimensional materials), such as ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS.

    7. Oxygen Electromigration and Energy Band Reconstruction Induced by Electrolyte Field Effect at Oxide Interfaces. Physical Review Letters 121, 146802 (2018)

    6. Modulation of manganite nano-film properties mediated by strong influence of strontium titanate excitons. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (41), 35563-35570 (2018).

    5. The Mechanism of Electrolyte Gating on High-Tc Cuprates: The Role of Oxygen Migration and Electrostatics. ACS Nano 11 (10), 9950 (2017)

    4. Tunable Inverted Gap in Monolayer Quasi-Metallic MoS2 Induced by Strong Charge-Lattice Coupling. Nature Communications 8, 486 (2017). This work was highlighted in https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2017.246. It was reported in many science news (Scientists unravel new insights into promising semiconductor material), such as ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS, Materials Today News, AZoMaterials, EE World Online.

    3. Unraveling the magnetic coupling in the interface of the exchange-biased IrMn/Permalloy multilayers. Materials Letters 187, 133-135 (2017).

    2. Coexistence of Midgap Antiferromagnetic and Mott States in Undoped, Hole- and Electron-Doped Ambipolar Cuprates. Physical Review Letters 116, 197002 (2016).

    1. Unraveling the interplay of electronic and spin structures in controlling macroscopic properties of manganite ultra-thin films. NPG (Nature Publishing Group) Asia Materials 7, e196 (2015).



      尹鑫茂,教授,博导,国家级青年人才,8455新葡萄场网站副院长,超导与凝聚态物理所所长。email: yinxinmao@shu.edu.cn


      ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8246-4444 

      B站研究总结:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1M3411y7oz/?spm_id_from=333.788  .recommend_more_video.-1

      研究领域:量子材料的谱学研究。利用多种谱学技术对物体中复杂的电荷-自旋-轨道-晶格相互耦合作用及演变过程进行研究,从而对量子材料的超导、磁性、量子相变等宏观物理性质,以及电子结构、自旋变化、量子态准粒子激发等微观物理性质进行信息解析。近年来在国际高水平期刊上发表论文70余篇,包括PRL, APR, CSR, Science Advances,Nature Communications,AM等顶级期刊,多项研究被ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS, Materials Today等专业新闻媒体报道。研究成果多次被高水平杂志选为封面文章。同时是多个知名国际期刊的特邀审稿人。并著有及编写两本英文专著。曾获上海科技青年35人引领计划,江苏扬州领军人才计划,上海海外高层次领军人才计划,国家级青年人才计划等。



      2006 - 2010 本科, 浙江大学, 竺可桢学院-物理

      2010 - 2015 博士, 新加坡国立大学, 物理

      2014 - 2020 兼职研究员, 新加坡同步辐射光源

      2014 - 2020 研究员, 新加坡国立大学, 物理系

      2021 - 至今 教授(国家青年人才),8455新葡萄场网站, 8455新葡萄场网站物理系






















      1. Introduction to Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Thin Film Materials. WILEY-VCH. April, 2022. ISBN: 978-3527349517. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/64175.htm

      2. Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides: Phase Engineering and Applications in Electronics and Optoelectronics. WILEY-VCH. December, 2023. ISBN: 9783527350643. DOI:10.1002/9783527838752. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/324075.htm


      28. Uncovering an Interfacial Band Resulting from Orbital Hybridization in Nickelate Heterostructures. arXiv:2404.18412 (2024)

      27. Realization of a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice in a Metal-Inorganic Framework with Flat Bands and Topological Edge States. arXiv:2404.18430 (2024)

      26. Tunable Collective Excitations in Epitaxial Perovskite Nickelates. arXiv: (2024)

      25. Optical detection of small polarons in vanadium dioxide and their critical role in mediating metal-insulator transition. arXiv:2312.17419. (2024)

      24. LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterointerface: 20 Years and Beyond. Advanced Electronic Materials 10,2300730 (2024).

      23. Detection of two-dimensional small polarons at oxide interfaces by optical spectroscopy. Applied Physics Reviews 10, 031406 (2023). Selected as Featured Article. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/313584.htm

      22. Self-passivated freestanding superconducting oxide film for flexible electronics. Applied Physics Reviews 10, 031401 (2023). Selected as Featured Article. https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/312574.htm

      21. Orbital hybridization-driven charge density wave transition in CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor. Advanced Materials 35, 2209010 (2023). https://www.shu.edu.cn/info/1055/292733.htm

      20. Two-dimensional charge localization at the perovskite oxide interface. Applied Physics Reviews 9, 031405 (2022). Selected as Featured Article. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/65261.htm

      19. Observation of perfect diamagnetism and interfacial effect on the electronic structures in Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 superconducting infinite layers. Nature Communications 13, 743 (2022). https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/63725.htm

      18. Recent Developments in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Phase Transition and Applications of the (Quasi-)Metallic Phases. Chemical Society Reviews 50, 10087-10115 (2021). Selected as Cover. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/61884.htm

      17. 1D chained structure in quasi-metallic phase 2D transition metal dichalcogenides and their anisotropic electronic structures. Applied Physics Reviews 8, 011313 (2021) (invited review). Selected as Featured Article. https://news.shu.edu.cn/info/1013/61067.htm

      16. Dynamic Segregation of Reduced Ruddlesden-Popper Sr2NiO3 and SrNi2O3 Phases during SrNiO3 Epitaxial Growth. Science Advances 7(10), eabe2866 (2021).


      15. Phase diagram and superconducting dome of infinite-layer Nd1-xSrxNiO2 thin films. Physical Review Letters 125, 147003 (2020)

      14. Interfacial oxygen-driven charge localization and plasmon excitation in unconventional superconductors. Advanced Materials 32, 2000153 (2020). Selected as Back Cover.

      13. Anisotropic collective charge excitations in quasimetallic 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides. Advanced Science 7 (10), 1902726 (2020). Selected as Inside Cover. It was reported in many science news (Anisotropic plasmons in quasi-metallic 2D materials), such as Phys.Org, NewsBeezer, Knowledia New, QNewsHub.

      12. Electronic Modulation in Site-Selective Occupation of Quasi-2D Triangular-lattice Cs2CuCl4-xBrx Perovskite. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 12 (3) 4114-4122 (2020).

      11. Quantum correlated plasmons and their tunability in undoped and doped Mott-insulator cuprates. ACS Photonics 6(12), 3281-3289 (2019).

      10. Modulation of new excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide-perovskite oxide system. Advanced Science 6 (12), 1900446 (2019). Selected as Frontispiece Cover.

      9. Three-dimensional resonant exciton in monolayer tungsten diselenide actuated by spin-orbit coupling. ACS Nano 13 (12), 14529-14539 (2019).

      8. Unravelling High-Yield Phase-Transition Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides on Metallic Substrates. Advanced Science 6 (7), 1802093 (2019). Selected as Frontispiece Cover). It was reported in many science news (Phase transition dynamics in two-dimensional materials), such as ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS.

      7. Oxygen Electromigration and Energy Band Reconstruction Induced by Electrolyte Field Effect at Oxide Interfaces. Physical Review Letters 121, 146802 (2018)

      6. Modulation of manganite nano-film properties mediated by strong influence of strontium titanate excitons. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (41), 35563-35570 (2018).

      5. The Mechanism of Electrolyte Gating on High-Tc Cuprates: The Role of Oxygen Migration and Electrostatics. ACS Nano 11 (10), 9950 (2017)

      4. Tunable Inverted Gap in Monolayer Quasi-Metallic MoS2 Induced by Strong Charge-Lattice Coupling. Nature Communications 8, 486 (2017). This work was highlighted in https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2017.246. It was reported in many science news (Scientists unravel new insights into promising semiconductor material), such as ScienceDaily, Phys.Org, EurekAlert AAAS, Materials Today News, AZoMaterials, EE World Online.

      3. Unraveling the magnetic coupling in the interface of the exchange-biased IrMn/Permalloy multilayers. Materials Letters 187, 133-135 (2017).

      2. Coexistence of Midgap Antiferromagnetic and Mott States in Undoped, Hole- and Electron-Doped Ambipolar Cuprates. Physical Review Letters 116, 197002 (2016).

      1. Unraveling the interplay of electronic and spin structures in controlling macroscopic properties of manganite ultra-thin films. NPG (Nature Publishing Group) Asia Materials 7, e196 (2015).
