物理学科Seminar第371讲 Recent Progress in Superconductivity at Queensland University of Technology

创建时间:  2017/11/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Recent Progress in Superconductivity at Queensland University of Technology
报 告 人:Dr. Shahbazi (Queensland University of Technology)

It is over 100 years since the discovery of the amazing property of some materials to carry an electrical current without any resistance and no energy losses. Discovered in 2008, iron based superconductors are the latest high temperature superconductors which have aroused enormous attention in the scientific community. In this presentation, I will talk about superconductivity, pinning potential, vortex pinning mechanism and thermally activated flux flow in Ba-122 and Iron selenide compounds. Also I will explain the low temperature, autogenous pressure method to synthesize mm-scale MgB2 aggregates using Parr reactor. This talk will also include reporting on current research activity on superconductivity conducted by Queensland University of Technology.


上一条:物理学科Seminar第374讲 太赫兹磁光微结构与单向传输器件研究

下一条:数学系Seminar第1524期 大规模医学影像数据库真实构建:深度标签发现与开放式识别

物理学科Seminar第371讲 Recent Progress in Superconductivity at Queensland University of Technology

创建时间:  2017/11/02  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:Recent Progress in Superconductivity at Queensland University of Technology
报 告 人:Dr. Shahbazi (Queensland University of Technology)

It is over 100 years since the discovery of the amazing property of some materials to carry an electrical current without any resistance and no energy losses. Discovered in 2008, iron based superconductors are the latest high temperature superconductors which have aroused enormous attention in the scientific community. In this presentation, I will talk about superconductivity, pinning potential, vortex pinning mechanism and thermally activated flux flow in Ba-122 and Iron selenide compounds. Also I will explain the low temperature, autogenous pressure method to synthesize mm-scale MgB2 aggregates using Parr reactor. This talk will also include reporting on current research activity on superconductivity conducted by Queensland University of Technology.


上一条:物理学科Seminar第374讲 太赫兹磁光微结构与单向传输器件研究

下一条:数学系Seminar第1524期 大规模医学影像数据库真实构建:深度标签发现与开放式识别