物理学科Seminar第370讲 碱土原子系统中的极化子 (Polarons in alkaline-earth-like atoms)

创建时间:  2017/10/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:碱土原子系统中的极化子 (Polarons in alkaline-earth-like atoms)
报 告 人:易为  教授(中科大 光学与光学工程系)

The problem of a mobile impurity interacting with its environment has attracted much attention in cold atomic gases in recent years. Bridging the few- and the many-body scenarios, the study of polarons provide valuable insight of the underlying many-body system. Whereas Fermi and Bose polarons have been extensively studied and experimentally probed in alkali atoms, we show that it is interesting to explore the fate of an impurity in alkaline-earth-like atoms near the recently discovered orbital Feshbach resonances. By analyzing the attractive and the repulsive branches of the polaron state, we reveal interesting features that are intimately related to the two-channel nature of the orbital Feshbach resonance. We further demonstrate the stability region of phase separation for the repulsive polaron branch. Our results can be readily checked experimentally, and have interesting implications for the observation of itinerant ferromagnetism in alkaline-earth-like atoms. 

上一条:8455新葡萄场网站“当代科学前沿讲坛”第241讲 St. Louis学派与函数空间的分解结构理论的发展史

下一条:数学系Seminar第1517期 On the applicability of perturbation methods in the study of vibrations of axially moving strings and beams

物理学科Seminar第370讲 碱土原子系统中的极化子 (Polarons in alkaline-earth-like atoms)

创建时间:  2017/10/26  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:碱土原子系统中的极化子 (Polarons in alkaline-earth-like atoms)
报 告 人:易为  教授(中科大 光学与光学工程系)

The problem of a mobile impurity interacting with its environment has attracted much attention in cold atomic gases in recent years. Bridging the few- and the many-body scenarios, the study of polarons provide valuable insight of the underlying many-body system. Whereas Fermi and Bose polarons have been extensively studied and experimentally probed in alkali atoms, we show that it is interesting to explore the fate of an impurity in alkaline-earth-like atoms near the recently discovered orbital Feshbach resonances. By analyzing the attractive and the repulsive branches of the polaron state, we reveal interesting features that are intimately related to the two-channel nature of the orbital Feshbach resonance. We further demonstrate the stability region of phase separation for the repulsive polaron branch. Our results can be readily checked experimentally, and have interesting implications for the observation of itinerant ferromagnetism in alkaline-earth-like atoms. 

上一条:8455新葡萄场网站“当代科学前沿讲坛”第241讲 St. Louis学派与函数空间的分解结构理论的发展史

下一条:数学系Seminar第1517期 On the applicability of perturbation methods in the study of vibrations of axially moving strings and beams