数学系Seminar第1474期 局部最小正交原理及其在多解问题求解中的应用

创建时间:  2017/06/07  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:周建新  教授  (美国A&M大学)
报告时间:2017年 6月12日(周一)10:00
报告摘要:In this talk, a local min-orthogonal principle will be proposed for finding multiple solutions to M-type, W-type and mixed M-W type problems and mathematically justified. Its corresponding algorithm, implementation and algorithm convergence will be presented. As its variations, two numerical methods for finding multiple solutions to W-type problems are mathematically verified by using this general and powerful principle. Numerical examples of this algorithm to find multiple solutions to mixed M-W-type problems will be presented to illustrate the principle.

欢迎教师、学生参加 !

上一条:数学系Seminar第1473期 Silting理论和倾斜理论

下一条:数学系Seminar第1475期 单圈图的最小无符号拉普拉斯特征值

数学系Seminar第1474期 局部最小正交原理及其在多解问题求解中的应用

创建时间:  2017/06/07  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告人:周建新  教授  (美国A&M大学)
报告时间:2017年 6月12日(周一)10:00
报告摘要:In this talk, a local min-orthogonal principle will be proposed for finding multiple solutions to M-type, W-type and mixed M-W type problems and mathematically justified. Its corresponding algorithm, implementation and algorithm convergence will be presented. As its variations, two numerical methods for finding multiple solutions to W-type problems are mathematically verified by using this general and powerful principle. Numerical examples of this algorithm to find multiple solutions to mixed M-W-type problems will be presented to illustrate the principle.

欢迎教师、学生参加 !

上一条:数学系Seminar第1473期 Silting理论和倾斜理论

下一条:数学系Seminar第1475期 单圈图的最小无符号拉普拉斯特征值