物理学科Seminar第721讲 新型有机半导体中载流子产生和传输

创建时间:  2025/02/18  邵奋芬   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Carrier Generation and Transport in Novel Low-dimensional Organic Semiconductors (新型有机半导体中载流子产生和传输 )

报告人 (Speaker):Dr. Hai Wang, (Utrecht University, NL & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, DE)

报告时间 (Time):2025年2月21日(周五) 9:00-11:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部 G313

邀请人 (Inviter):马国宏


摘要 (Abstract):

The conversion of light into electrical currents is a fundamental process underlying the operation of various optoelectronic devices, including photovoltaics and photodetectors. Understanding the underlying photophysics, e.g., the generation and transport of charge carriers in photoactive materials following photoexcitation, is crucial for improving the energy conversion efficiency of these devices. Layered two-dimensional (2D) materials are emerging building blocks for next-generation electronics and optoelectronics. Since the discovery of graphene, the family of 2D materials has expanded significantly. The recent emergence of conductive semiconducting organic layers (e.g., graphene nanostructures and metallated covalent organic frameworks) has further extended the 2D materials library and introduced new functionalities for applications. In this talk, I will first provide an overview of ultrafast THz spectroscopy and demonstrate its utility in characterizing electrical transport properties of charge carriers in low-dimensional materials in a contact-free manner¹. I will then discuss recent work from our group on understanding charge generation and transport mechanisms in novel organic semiconductors, including: (1) Giant exciton effects and free carrier generation mechanisms in graphene nanoribbons²⁻³, (2) Band-like charge transport in covalent organic frameworks⁴⁻⁵, and the impact of dimensionality (1D vs. 2D) on charge transport properties⁶


1. Wenhao Zheng et al., Nat. Phys. 18, 544–550 (2022).

2. Alexander Tries et al., Nano Lett. 20, 2993–3002 (2020).

3. Guanzhao Wen et al., Hot Exciton Dissociation in Graphene Nanoribbons, (submitted).

4. Shuai Fu et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 7489–7496 (2022).

5. Mingchao Wang et al., Nat. Mater. 22, 880–887 (2023).

6. Shuai Fu et al., Nat. Commun. 16, accepted (2025).

上一条:量子科技研究院Seminar第50讲物理学科Seminar第722讲 针对界面相变和复杂功能材料的先进透射电子显微镜研究

下一条:8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第103讲 广义Kleitma定理

物理学科Seminar第721讲 新型有机半导体中载流子产生和传输

创建时间:  2025/02/18  邵奋芬   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Carrier Generation and Transport in Novel Low-dimensional Organic Semiconductors (新型有机半导体中载流子产生和传输 )

报告人 (Speaker):Dr. Hai Wang, (Utrecht University, NL & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, DE)

报告时间 (Time):2025年2月21日(周五) 9:00-11:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部 G313

邀请人 (Inviter):马国宏


摘要 (Abstract):

The conversion of light into electrical currents is a fundamental process underlying the operation of various optoelectronic devices, including photovoltaics and photodetectors. Understanding the underlying photophysics, e.g., the generation and transport of charge carriers in photoactive materials following photoexcitation, is crucial for improving the energy conversion efficiency of these devices. Layered two-dimensional (2D) materials are emerging building blocks for next-generation electronics and optoelectronics. Since the discovery of graphene, the family of 2D materials has expanded significantly. The recent emergence of conductive semiconducting organic layers (e.g., graphene nanostructures and metallated covalent organic frameworks) has further extended the 2D materials library and introduced new functionalities for applications. In this talk, I will first provide an overview of ultrafast THz spectroscopy and demonstrate its utility in characterizing electrical transport properties of charge carriers in low-dimensional materials in a contact-free manner¹. I will then discuss recent work from our group on understanding charge generation and transport mechanisms in novel organic semiconductors, including: (1) Giant exciton effects and free carrier generation mechanisms in graphene nanoribbons²⁻³, (2) Band-like charge transport in covalent organic frameworks⁴⁻⁵, and the impact of dimensionality (1D vs. 2D) on charge transport properties⁶


1. Wenhao Zheng et al., Nat. Phys. 18, 544–550 (2022).

2. Alexander Tries et al., Nano Lett. 20, 2993–3002 (2020).

3. Guanzhao Wen et al., Hot Exciton Dissociation in Graphene Nanoribbons, (submitted).

4. Shuai Fu et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 7489–7496 (2022).

5. Mingchao Wang et al., Nat. Mater. 22, 880–887 (2023).

6. Shuai Fu et al., Nat. Commun. 16, accepted (2025).

上一条:量子科技研究院Seminar第50讲物理学科Seminar第722讲 针对界面相变和复杂功能材料的先进透射电子显微镜研究

下一条:8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第103讲 广义Kleitma定理