报告题目 (Title):New equivalence relations on all square matrices (关于所有方阵的新等价关系)
报告人 (Speaker):惠昌常 教授(首都师范大学)
报告时间 (Time):2024年12月20日 (周五) 10:00-11:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部GJ303
In this talk, we introduce three new equivalence relations on all square matrices over a field in terms of elementary divisors of matrices. We then apply these equivalence relations to describe the categorical equivalences such as derived, Morita equivalences of centralizer algebras of matrices. The study of centralizers of matrices has a long history and can trace back to F. G. Frobenius in 1880's. The talk presents parts of recent works on centralizer matrix algebras joint work with X.G. Li, J.B. Zhang, and S.J. Yin.