报告题目 (Title): Twisted duality for the (co)homologies of graded Poisson algebras(分次泊松代数(上)同调的twisted对偶)
报告人 (Speaker): 王圣强 副教授(华东理工大学)
报告时间 (Time):2024年10月17日(周四) 16:00-17:00
报告地点 (Place): 校本部 GJ303
主办部门: 8455新葡萄场网站数学系
Abstract:In this talk, I will recall some classical results, and introduce some recent progress on the calculation of Poisson (co)homologies of Koszul dual Poisson algebras. According to the computational results, the twisted duality can also be recovered via modular derivations. Moreover, the relations between the modular derivations of polynomial Poisson algebras and their Koszul dual Poisson algebras are given explicitly. We also investigate the existence of Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structures on these Poisson cohomology groups.