物理学科Seminar第691讲 结合深度学习的无轨道密度泛函理论分子体系研究

创建时间:  2024/09/19  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Orbital-free density functional theory for molecular systems using deep learning(结合深度学习的无轨道密度泛函理论分子体系研究)

报告人 (Speaker):刘畅(微软研究院科学智能中心)

报告时间 (Time):2024年9月20日(周五)16:00

报告地点 (Place):腾讯会议室:417-230-544

邀请人 (Inviter):李永乐 副教授


摘要 (Abstract):

Calculating molecular properties is the cornerstone for many vital industry problems, including drug discovery and material design. These properties are commonly solved by Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KSDFT), which still has a large cost scaling, while more scalable alternatives like orbital-free DFT (OFDFT) suffer from accuracy issues, especially for non-periodic molecular systems. In this work, we propose M-OFDFT, an OFDFT implementation that achieves the same level of accuracy as KSDFT on molecules, while maintaining the lower cost scaling. M-OFDFT uses a deep learning model to better approximate the kinetic energy density functional, which is the key component for OFDFT. We build the essential non-locality into the model, which is made affordable by the concise density representation as expansion coefficients under an atomic basis. With techniques to address unconventional learning challenges, M-OFDFT achieves a comparable accuracy to KSDFT on a wide range of molecules untouched by OFDFT before. More attractively, M-OFDFT extrapolates well to molecules much larger than those seen in training, which unleashes the appealing scaling of OFDFT for studying large molecules, representing an advancement of the accuracy-efficiency trade-off frontier in electronic structure methods.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2709讲 椭圆离散可积方程:综述与公开问题

下一条:数学学科大师讲坛第八讲、数学学科Seminar第2708讲 南京的数学故事

物理学科Seminar第691讲 结合深度学习的无轨道密度泛函理论分子体系研究

创建时间:  2024/09/19  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):Orbital-free density functional theory for molecular systems using deep learning(结合深度学习的无轨道密度泛函理论分子体系研究)

报告人 (Speaker):刘畅(微软研究院科学智能中心)

报告时间 (Time):2024年9月20日(周五)16:00

报告地点 (Place):腾讯会议室:417-230-544

邀请人 (Inviter):李永乐 副教授


摘要 (Abstract):

Calculating molecular properties is the cornerstone for many vital industry problems, including drug discovery and material design. These properties are commonly solved by Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KSDFT), which still has a large cost scaling, while more scalable alternatives like orbital-free DFT (OFDFT) suffer from accuracy issues, especially for non-periodic molecular systems. In this work, we propose M-OFDFT, an OFDFT implementation that achieves the same level of accuracy as KSDFT on molecules, while maintaining the lower cost scaling. M-OFDFT uses a deep learning model to better approximate the kinetic energy density functional, which is the key component for OFDFT. We build the essential non-locality into the model, which is made affordable by the concise density representation as expansion coefficients under an atomic basis. With techniques to address unconventional learning challenges, M-OFDFT achieves a comparable accuracy to KSDFT on a wide range of molecules untouched by OFDFT before. More attractively, M-OFDFT extrapolates well to molecules much larger than those seen in training, which unleashes the appealing scaling of OFDFT for studying large molecules, representing an advancement of the accuracy-efficiency trade-off frontier in electronic structure methods.

上一条:数学学科Seminar第2709讲 椭圆离散可积方程:综述与公开问题

下一条:数学学科大师讲坛第八讲、数学学科Seminar第2708讲 南京的数学故事