量子科技研究院seminar第13讲暨物理学科Seminar第661讲 拓扑物理:从“体边对应”到“体缺陷对应”

创建时间:  2024/05/10  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):拓扑物理:从“体边对应”到“体缺陷对应”

报告人 (Speaker):蒋建华 教授(中国科学技术大学)

报告时间 (Time):2024年5月17日(周五)10:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部 G601

邀请人 (Inviter):刘俊杰 教授



Topological phenomena have been a focus of physics and materials research where prominent effects emerge at systems’ edge boundaries via the celebrated bulk-edge correspondence. Recently, with designed metamaterials, novel topological phenomena have been revealed at defects, unveiling a paradigm of bulk-defect correspondence. In this talk, I show via several examples that defects, with their rich geometry, can induce unique topological effects that have never been seen before. I will also go over briefly other important findings in this direction and give an overview of potential future developments. Studies in this direction open a new research frontier in topological physics and materials science, with cutting-edge physics and unprecedented phenomena as well as potential applications.


Liu, Leung, Li, Lin, Tao, Poo*, Jiang*, Nature 589, 381-385 (2021).

Lin, Wu*, Jiang, Liu, Wu, Li*, Jiang*, Nature Materials 21, 430-437 (2022).

Lin, Wang, Liu, Xue, Zhang*, Chong*, Jiang*, Nature Review Physics (2023).

上一条:物理学科Seminar第662讲 新结构钙钛矿功能材料的开发及应用

下一条:8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第80讲 保序映射及逆序映射

量子科技研究院seminar第13讲暨物理学科Seminar第661讲 拓扑物理:从“体边对应”到“体缺陷对应”

创建时间:  2024/05/10  龚惠英   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目 (Title):拓扑物理:从“体边对应”到“体缺陷对应”

报告人 (Speaker):蒋建华 教授(中国科学技术大学)

报告时间 (Time):2024年5月17日(周五)10:00

报告地点 (Place):校本部 G601

邀请人 (Inviter):刘俊杰 教授



Topological phenomena have been a focus of physics and materials research where prominent effects emerge at systems’ edge boundaries via the celebrated bulk-edge correspondence. Recently, with designed metamaterials, novel topological phenomena have been revealed at defects, unveiling a paradigm of bulk-defect correspondence. In this talk, I show via several examples that defects, with their rich geometry, can induce unique topological effects that have never been seen before. I will also go over briefly other important findings in this direction and give an overview of potential future developments. Studies in this direction open a new research frontier in topological physics and materials science, with cutting-edge physics and unprecedented phenomena as well as potential applications.


Liu, Leung, Li, Lin, Tao, Poo*, Jiang*, Nature 589, 381-385 (2021).

Lin, Wu*, Jiang, Liu, Wu, Li*, Jiang*, Nature Materials 21, 430-437 (2022).

Lin, Wang, Liu, Xue, Zhang*, Chong*, Jiang*, Nature Review Physics (2023).

上一条:物理学科Seminar第662讲 新结构钙钛矿功能材料的开发及应用

下一条:8455新葡萄场网站核心数学研究所——几何与分析综合报告第80讲 保序映射及逆序映射